Rafter and Stair Jigs Rafter and Stair Jigs John Carroll demonstrates a couple of cool jigs for laying out rafters and stairs with John Carroll Video Length: 2:31 See the video using... RealPlayer (11.7 mb) Quicktime (8.2 mb) Need help downloading? John Carroll, a North Carolina author and building contractor, has a few good reasons for making these jigs: First, it's easier to visualize the cuts with a jig than with .. ▼Frame 2006.01.28
Cutting Plywood without a Tablesaw Cutting Plywood without a Tablesaw Jigs can turn an ordinary circular saw into an accurate cutting tool with Gary Katz Video Length: 6:18 See the video using... RealPlayer (29.2mb) Quicktime (20.8mb) Need help downloading? Cutting plywood on the tablesaw can be difficult because you have to move the unwieldy 4x8 sheet across the blade. A better solution is to move a circular saw over the sheet. .. ▼Frame 2006.01.28
Using a Water Level Using a Water Level All you really need are a length of plastic tubing and a bucket of water with Tom O'Brien Video Length: 6:43 See the video using... RealPlayer (9.3 mb) Quicktime (11.9 mb) Need help downloading? Although this simple device lacks the sex appeal of a builder's level or a high-tech laser, it's just as accurate and even more versatile. It operates on the principle that water seek.. ▼Frame 2006.01.28
합판 ▒ 취급제품에 대한 설명 일반합판 Ordinary Plywood T2 또는 LFE 접착제를 사용한 두께 2.4mm-30.0mm 넓이 3ft x 6ft,3ft x 7ft, 4ft x 8ft의 합판을 말하며, 용도는 주택 내외장,천정,벽,차량 및 가구,악기등에 사용 거푸집용 합판 Concrete Forming Plywood 두께 12mm, 넓이 3ft x 6ft, 4ft x 8ft T1 또는 WBP 접착제를 사용한 합판을 말.. ▼Frame 2005.10.15